Hello~我是皮膚科  王修含 醫師,




皮膚科  王修含 醫師

許多皮膚科使用的藥妝品添加物皆含有植物成分,這些植物的功能可區分為三大類,即抗氧化劑、抗發炎劑和潤膚劑。 詳細內容,可參照「皮膚藥妝保養品常見的植物成分

於英文文獻中記載的這類植物種類繁多,有些亦為中藥成分,上文無法一一羅列,中藥之中英對照,可參考下列「中藥英語(I) 」、「中藥英語(II)」。亦可參考「中藥化學成分中英文對照」、「中草藥成分英漢對照辭彙」。



中文正名     英文名 入藥部位

鐵包金     Lineate Supplejack Root
紫金龍     Climbing Dactylicapnos Root
夏天無     Decumbent CorydalisTuber 塊莖
川牛膝     Medicinal Cyathula officinalis Root
土牛膝     Wild Achyranthes Root
牛膝     Common Achyranthes
胡黃連     Figwortflower Picrorhiza Rhizome 根莖
馬先蒿     Resupinate Woodbetony Root or Herb 根或全草
地黃     Adhesive Rehmannia Root Tuber 塊根
玄參     Figwort Root, Ningpo Figwort Root
赤芍     Red Peony Root
白芍     White Peony Root
貓爪草     Catclaw Buttercup Root Tuber 塊根
升麻     Skunk Bugbane Rhizome 根莖
天葵子      Muskroot – like Semiaquilegia Root 塊根
野棉花根     Grapeleaf Anemone Root
兩頭尖     Radde Anemone Rhizome 根莖
白頭翁     Chinese Pulsatilla Root
鐵棒錘     Pendulous Monkshood Root 塊根
關白附     Korean Monkshood Root 塊根
天雄     Singular Common Monkshood Root 塊根
附子     Prepared Common Monkshood Daughter Root 子根加工品
草烏     Kusnezoff Monkshood Mother-root 塊根
川烏     Common Monkshood Mother-root 母根
雪裏開     Henry Clematis Root Tuber 塊根
鐵線蓮     Cream Clematis Root or Herb 根或全草
威靈仙     Chinese Clematis Root and Rhi-zome 根及根莖
黃連     Chinese Goldthread Rhizome 根莖
白藥子     Oriental Stephania Root 塊根
紅藥子     Hairynerve Polygonum Root Tu-ber 塊根
薯莨     Shouliahg Yam Radix Root 塊莖
黃藥子     Airpotato Yam Rhizome 塊莖
衛矛根     Winged Euonymus Root
落霜紅     Aculeate Bittersweet Root
南蛇藤     Oriental Bittersweet Root or Stem 根,藤
雷公藤     Common Threewingnut Root
地榆     Longleaf Garden Burnet Root
崗梅根     Roughhaired Holly Root
毛冬青     Pubescent Holly Root
三白草根     Chinese Lizardtail Rhizome 根莖
喜樹根     Common Camptotheca
山礬     Sumuntia Sweetleaf Root
地桃花根     Rose Mallow Root,Cadillo Root
棉花根     Upland Cotton Root
扶桑根     Chinese Hibiscus Root
黃蜀葵根     Sunset Abelmoschus Root
山芝麻     Narrowleaf Screwtree Root
八角楓根     Chinese Alangium Root
紅景天     Kirilow Rhodiola Root and Rhi-zome 根及根莖
黃花倒水蓮     False – yellowflower Milkwort Root 根或全草
遠志     Thinleaf Milkwort Root
十大功勞根     Leatherleaf Mahonia Root
三棵針     Poiret Barberry Root
窩兒七     Chinese Umbrellaleaf Rhizome 根莖
六角蓮     Sixangular Dysosma Rhizome 根莖及根
八角蓮     Common Dysosma Rhizome 根及根莖
沙參     Upright Ladybell Root
桔梗     Balloonflower Root
羊乳參     Lance Asiabell Root
黨參     Pilose Asiabell Root
秦艽     Largeleaf Gentian Root
龍膽     Chinese Gentian Root, Rough Gentian Root 根及根莖
算盤子根     Puberulous Glochidion Root
狼毒     Fischer Euphorbia Root
毛桐根     Barbate Mallotus Root
白背葉根     Whitebackleaf Mallotus Root
雞骨香     Thickleaf Croton Root
甘遂     Gansui Root,Kansui Root
京大蕺     Peking Euphorbia Root
土欒兒     Fortune Apios Root Tuber 塊根
大發汗     Whiteflowered Wisteria Root
草大蕺     Beautiful Bush-clover Root or Root-bark 根皮
大紅袍     Hairy Clovershrub Root
鐵掃帚     Cunaete Bush-clover Root or Herb 根或全株
胡枝子     Bicolor Bush-clover Root
牛大力     Beautiful Millettia Root
土降香     Dyer Rosewood Root
老虎刺根     Variegated Pterolobium Root 根,枝,葉
一味藥     Szechwan Indigo Root
北豆根     Asiatic Moonseed Rhizome 根莖
苦豆根     Foxtail-like Sophora Root
山豆根     Tonkin Sophora Root
苦參     Lightyellow Sophora Root
葛根     Lobed Kudzuvine Root
千斤拔     Philippine Flemingia Root
甜地丁     Manyflower GueldenstaedtiaRoot 根或帶根全草
蛇藤     Plume Acacia Root and Stem 根及老莖
錦雞兒根     Chinese Peashrub Root
甘草     Liquorice Root,Ural Licorice Root 根及根莖
紅芪     Manyinflorescenced Sweetvetch Root
黃芪     Mongolian Milkvetch Root
紫草     Redrood Gromwell
血三七     Amplexicaule knotweed Rhizome 根莖
草血竭     Paleaceous knotweed Rhizome 根莖
拳參     Bistort Rhizome 根莖
隔山消     Wiford Swallowwort Root Tuber 塊根
白首烏     Auriculate Swallowwort Root Tu-ber 塊根
何首烏     Tuber Fleeceflower Root 塊根
大黃     Rhubarb Sorrel Rhubarb 根及根莖
法羅海     Apaen Cowparsnip Root
獨活     Doubleteeth Angelica Root
白芷     Taiwan Angelica Root
羌活     Incised Notopterygium Rhizomeand Root 根莖及根
槁本     Chinese Ligusticum Rhizome 根莖及根
羊洪膻(羊紅膻)     Thellungianae Root or Herb 根或全草
胡蘿蔔     Carrot
柴胡     Chinese Thorowax Root
隔山香     Lemonfragrant Ostericum Root
前胡     Whiteflower Hogfennel Root
防風     Divaricate Saposhnikovia
明黨參     Medicinal Changium
北沙參     Coastal Glehnia Root
川芎     Szechwan Lovage Rhizome 塊莖
當歸     Chinese Angelice
土人參     Panicled Fameflower Root
楓荷梨     Dentiferous Dendropanax RootandStem 根及莖
半楓荷     Heterophyllous Wingseedtree Rootor Stem 根或根莖
七角風     Rosthom Bigginseng Root
刺參     Tall Oplopanax Root
刺五加     Manyprinckle Acanthopanax 根及根莖或莖
三七     Sanchi
珠子參     Largeleaf Japanese Ginseng 根莖
竹節參     Japanese Ginseng
西洋參      American Ginseng
人參蘆     Girseng Rhizome 蘆頭
紅參     Red Ginseng 園參蒸制後的乾燥根
人參     Ginseng

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    皮膚科 王修含醫生

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